Be a multitask wizard in Windows 10!

Windows Top 20 Tips

Windows 10 offers many benefits including an advanced security architecture, multitasking functions, the opportunitiy to integrate devices and an optimised Action Centre to manage your pc settings. As a Microsoft Partner with Gold Status, we're experts at all things Microsoft, so if you would like support or advice then drop us a line on 01326 379 497 or visit: Microsoft Licensing and free trials for more information.

To maximise the multitasking functionality, Microsoft have created a set of keyboard shortcuts specifically for Windows 10.  A keyboard shortcut can save you time and effort by providing a quick combination of two or more keys that perform a task that would typically require a mouse or other pointing device.

Fly through your work load, showoff your slick skills and become a multi-tasking wizard with the shortcuts below:

Windows logo key Windows logo key = Winkey

Winkey 10 keyboard shortcut Description
Winkey + Tab Activates Task View
Winkey + A Activates Action Center
Winkey + C Activates Cortana with speech>
Winkey + D Shows desktop
Winkey + E Opens File Explorer
Winkey + G Activates the new Xbox game bar to let you record games or take screenshots.
Winkey + H Activates share feature in Windows 10 apps
Winkey + I Opens Windows 10 settings
Winkey + K Activates Connect feature to stream to wireless displays and audio devices
Winkey + L Locks a machine
Winkey + P Project a screen
Winkey + R Run a command
Winkey + S Activates Cortana
Winkey + X Opens power user features
Winkey + Left / Right / Up / Down Snaps apps to the side of a screen (press Up or Down after snapping left / right to enable four apps to snap)
Winkey + Ctrl + D Creates a new virtual desktop
Winkey + Ctrl + F4 Close virtual desktop
Winkey + Ctrl + Left or Right Switch between virtual desktops
Winkey + Shift + Left or Right Move apps from one monitor to another
Winkey + 1 / 2 / 3... Open programs that are pinned on the taskbar. The first app is number one.

Need any support or advice do contact us, we're happy to help. Call our experts on: 01326 379 497 or email:




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