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NCI XMAS Party Antics

Xmas Party 2016 header

Squeaky balloons and more than a few crackers pulled!

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Dressed to the nines, we met in the bar at the Greenbank Hotel, Falmouth amidst the glitter and sparkling glamour, cocktails and the glorious backdrop of dancing lights across the harbour.

There were quite a few local companies celebrating there too and a fabulous array of party adorned bodies bustled and laughed with quirky hats, shimmering dresses and xmas Disney ties - and that was just our IT consultants!

Beautifully directed to our dining facilities, we walked through the maze of rooms to the other end of the hotel - losing the odd cocktail lover along the way!

Drinks were flowing, spirits were high...long squeaky balloons were being carefully angled and fired across the room to bounce off friend's heads and party popper streamers showered the tables.

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Following a rather tasty Christmas dinner, more wine was flowing and the DJ cranked up the sound to commence the night's entertainment.  Everyone in the room filled in the Greenbank Hotel competition cards and winners were picked!  Wonderfully, one of our party won a large bottle of fizz, a lovely gift for the wife of our IT Engineer, Dave.

Some of the amusing party antics included; Christmas song quizzes and crazy dancing; the good sports were entertaining the rest of us!

Out on the balcony however, with the glistening back-drop, a mini-party was unfurling and on the dance floor, serious shapes were being made and even discovered! and the few hard-party-goers among us managed to dance into the early hours!

It was a fantastic evening and end to a brilliant year for the team!

Onwards and upwards in 2017!

We hope you have a lovely Christmas and see you in the New Year.

From all or us at NCI.




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